UPDATE October 12, 2021
Dear Classmates,
Our 56th reunion held at the Cumberland County Historical Society in downtown Carlisle on September 18, 2021, went off smoothly on a beautiful late summer evening with lots of fun, food, music and shared memories. With close to 80 attendees and considering all the setbacks we faced over the last many months with Covid-19 and the Delta variant, feedback adjudged it a big success. We purposely produced a DVD video for the event compiled from prior year reunion pictures and other classmate memorabilia that we played on an overhead projector throughout the night and updated afterwards with pictures from that night that the Reunion Committee is now offering for sale at the nominal cost of $5. If you'd like an updated DVD that runs for about 43 minutes, please contact Bob McCanna at email: [email protected].
As we begin to consider planning for the 60th reunion in 2025, we seek your help tracking down classmates listed below that we've lost contact with, and will appreciate any starting point you might have whether phone number, email or postal address. Send any leads to Patty Shank at: [email protected].
Class of 1965 - No Addresses
Louise Altland
Larry Black
Sandra Brenneman Price
David A. Brubaker
Donald Burhans
Beverly Capshaw
John Cochran
Margaret Cole
Ronald V. Conway
Dennis Davis
Allen Fisher
Linda Frank
Barbara Freeman Baum
Larry W. Gleckner
Frances Gosling
Kazuto Goto
David Guenther
Charlotte Hall
Bonnie Hoch Lenkner
Jane M. Holder
James T. Hughes
Linda Jacobs
Gaylen Jennings
Carolyn S. Jones
Steven R. Kennedy
Jeanne M. Kinzer
E. Jean Kissinger
James R. Kuhn
Christiane Leydier
Nancy Logan Baker |
Lee A. Loesing
Mickey Mulhern
Lois J. Newell
Elizabeth Palmer
Dianne L. Raffensberger
Leslie Losch Riley
Richard J. McConnell
Wilmot (Mac) McCutchen
Virginia L. Metts
David Myers
Richard A. Myers
Yvonne O. Myers
James Rasmussen
Catherine A. Ripley
Robert E. Romito
Donna Rotz
Robert Ryesky
Robert W.P. Sherman
Nannie Shirk Johnson
Robert A. Sia
Maureen L. Sousa
Sandra Stender
John A. Taylor
Robert J. Ursano
Roselyn Von Arx
Barbara Weimer-McNeilly
John G. Wendt
William R. Young
Wanda Zook Kell |
Please follow this web page over the next four years for further updates and don't hesitate to contact us as we navigate our golden years together in spirit!
All the very best,
Class of 1965 Reunion Committee
UPDATE JUNE 15, 2021
Dear Classmates,
For those of you that didn't receive either an email or mailed invite to the September 18, 2021, reunion or for whatever reason need another one to fill out and send in, attached below is an invite for your use.
We on the reunion committee look forward to seeing you in September or at least hearing from you if you can't make it. The Point of Contact info. to send us correspondence and pictures is in the invite below. We plan to show your correspondence and picture(s) on a digital display during the reunion so please caption them to be easily identified. The Point of Contact info. for mailing your check, if you plan to attend, is also in the invite below. In case you're wondering, we intend having a 60th reunion in 2025, so stay healthy, it's only four years away!
CHS Class of 1965 Reunion Committee

Dear Classmates,
The Reunion Committee has met several times in the last couple of weeks to discuss having our belated 55th reunion this year and concluded that we'll go for it on SEP. 18th. SAVE THIS DATE. We plan to have it in downtown Carlisle at the Cumberland County Historical Society's Todd Hall and it's adjacent garden park, 21 N. Pitt St., from 4 to 8 P.M. A catered dinner will be served along with light refreshments, but importantly, BYOB. The price for the Reunion is still uncertain due in large part to not knowing how many folks will attend, but we're trying to keep it at $30 or under per head, update to follow. Music will be provided by our own renowned DJ in a casual setting. Parking is free downtown on Saturdays and we are looking in the immediate vicinity for additional parking lots which we'll update in a future announcement. Covid-19 protocols at the time of the reunion will be in effect.
Points of Contact in below correspondence remain the same, although you can also reach Bob McCanna at another email: [email protected]
We hope to see all of you in September!
All the best and hope you are well,
Class of 1965 Reunion Committee
Dear Classmates,
It is with your safety, health, and peace of mind under consideration that the Reunion Committee is suggesting that we postpone this years' 55th reunion until Fall of next year before which we hope that a vaccine has been developed and available so that we can gather without the current apprehension and misgivings COVID-19 now presents for that otherwise fun-filled and anticipated gathering. We are obviously disappointed in having to announce this, but we think it's in all of our best interests.
The 55th Reunion Committee (current members Patty Shank, Darlene Smith, Bob McCanna; and others soon to be signed-up: Skip Hockley, Bud Knouse, Shermaine Hodge Rideout, and Milt Beebe) plan to reassemble (virtually or otherwise) early next Spring to assess the status of safely gathering in the Fall of 2021, and at that time we will issue another email message notifying you of our early 2021 planning efforts. In the meantime, we will be contacting the High School Alumni Page Point Of Contact to post notice of this years' reunion postponement on our class page (hereby done) and later on add other useful information to that page with regard to reunion news when we have it.
For your additional information, we will also be sending out postcards to each of our classmates that don't have email addresses (or that we don't know about), alerting them to the postponement. Chances are, we'll also be sending out another email message like this one to catch the few classmates on email we missed with this message.
Between now and next Spring, feel free to contact Reunion Committee Members below for updates to email addresses, USPS addresses, or other items that would be useful for the Reunion Committee or our Classmates to know about or consider:
If you'd be interested in joining the Committee for next years' planning efforts, we'd also be interested in hearing from you.
All the very best to each of you,
CHS Class of 1965 55th Reunion Committee
Contact: Patty Shank
Phone: 717-385-9866
Email: [email protected]
Bob McCanna
Phone: 571-340-0540 (cell) or 717-245-9748 (hm)
Email: [email protected]
Contact Patty or Bob at the contact info above or go to our reunion website at:
Please contact Patty or Bob with any suggestions or class news you’d like to post on the above web site. If you're a FaceBook user, see our FB page at: CHS 1965 Carlisle PA
All the best, Your Class Reunion Committee